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Eyelids that droop or sag — either on the top or on the bottom of the eyes — can cause not only aesthetic problems, but functional ones that might seriously impair one’s vision, as well. Sometimes this issue can be present from birth. Other times, it might show up later in life, brought on by anything from genetics to the aging process. In any case, drooping eyelids can go far beyond a minor aesthetic nuisance, and might significantly impact one’s quality of life.

New York Laser Vision offers blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, to correct issues like droopy eyelids. This procedure can fix issues with eyelids that might be causing cosmetic problems, but can also be impairing your vision, as well. The results can boost your quality of life in some pretty significant ways, allowing you to see clearly and love the way you look. Reach out to us today to learn more about the procedures that can help you to correct your droopy eyelids, so you can live your life to the fullest once more.

What Are Droopy Eyelids?

When we’re younger, our skin has a tendency to be firm, elastic, and healthy. As the years go by, however, our skin can lose these qualities. Sometimes this is due to a high amount of exposure to the elements, as sunlight and its UV rays can damage the skin and rob it of its youthful qualities. Other times, the aging process itself simply causes the body to produce less of the materials that keep skin looking young and healthy.

Whatever the case may be, these factors often impact parts of the face directly, and this includes the eyelids both above and below the eyes. The loss of skin elasticity and a decrease in volume — often caused by a slowing down in the body’s production of a compound called collagen — can sometimes cause extra, sagging skin that hangs down over the eye, or droops and sags down below it. The resulting condition can cause any number of problems. Sometimes droopy eyelids cause cosmetic issues, making you look tired or haggard when you’re really alert and awake. Other times, droopy eyelids can impair the vision and cause actual problems in life.

man with a white beard and a white shirt is getting his eyes looked at

How Can New York Laser Vision Help with Droopy Eyelids

At New York Laser Vision, we perform a variety of blepharoplasty procedures, also known as eyelid surgery, to correct drooping eyelids either above or below the eyes. These procedures correct drooping eyelids through a variety of solutions, including the excision and removal of excess skin, the removal of fatty deposits, and so forth.

Eyelid surgery can smooth over wrinkles and solve the problems that have been causing droopy eyelids, allowing you to enjoy a fresher, more alert appearance, while also restoring your vision to its fullest capacity.

If you’ve been experiencing vision impairment or even a loss of confidence and self-esteem due to drooping eyelids above or below the eyes, reach out to New York Laser Vision in Manhattan & Brooklyn today. We’ll help you learn more about how we can correct your drooping eyelids with blepharoplasty, and help you live your life to the fullest once more.

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