Who Can Benefit from IPL Treatment?
At New York Laser Vision Accredited Dry Eye Center of Excellence, we have a large number of patients with chronic Dry Eye Syndrome (DES). Large number of them have come from other eye doctors in the area after failing the conventional treatment of artificial tear drops, Restasis or Xiidra drops and steroids. Practically all of those patients have meimobian gland dysfunction that has caused their chronic dry eye problem.
In order to successfully treat dryness we need to first improve the condition of the eyelids that caused the problem to begin with! Therefore, we recommend IPL treatment to any patient with Blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) and concurrent Dry Eye Disease. Using multiple dry eye treatment drops and ointments for years has potential for side effects and is often difficult for most of our patients.
Moreover, since the root of the problem (eyelid inflammation) is not addressed, many don’t feel any improvement in their dry eye after years of using all those drops for years. At home massages and warm compresses are somewhat helpful for eyelid inflammation. But lets face it: who in NYC has time for that? IPL treatment became our answer to this!