What Are the Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome
At New York Laser Vision, we offer a variety of treatments for dry eye syndrome, each one designed to address one of the major problems that tends to bring about frequently dry eyes.
Tear Production Treatment
One treatment for dry eye syndrome involves an increase in tear production, which can be accomplished through the use of artificial tears. While they’re providing the eyes with much-needed moisture, they can also stimulate the tear ducts to naturally produce tears.
Inflammation Treatment
In some cases, inflammation can cause certain oil glands to become clogged along the upper and lower eyelids. This actually impacts the quality of your tears, causing them to improperly clean and moisturize your eyes. The use of certain hygiene products and prescription eye drops can help with this particular issue.
Tear Drainage Treatment
Improper tear drainage is another cause of dry eye syndrome, which can be addressed with the insertion of small silicone plugs into your tear ducts, stopping the excess flow of tears.