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New York Laser Vision – Leaders in LASIK surgery

At New York Laser Vision, our experienced eye doctors are dedicated to providing concierge care and personalized attention in a technologically advanced practice setting. We believe that every patient deserves to see the world with crystal clarity, living life to the fullest. Topography-guided LASIK helps fulfill our core mission of presenting patients with life-changing options that can revolutionize their vision and confidence.

What is topography-guided LASIK?

Contoura Vision is the newest FDA-approved technology for performing topography-guided LASIK surgery. It allows for greater treatment customization and precision, elevating your vision to a whole new level beyond anything possible with glasses or contacts. 

The technology provides in-depth information on the patient’s corneal structure, mapping out the eye’s terrain and then translating this data for the laser’s algorithm. All eye-related imperfections are addressed rather than just the general ones, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. On a practical level, this results in improved vision – better than 20/20 for many patients – and a drastic reduction in nighttime vision issues, including seeing glares and halos. 

How does topography-guided LASIK work?

Contoura Vision combines topography technology with the WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser to improve the patient’s corneal shape, enhancing vision. Every treatment is personalized to the patient’s unique corneal map, greatly reducing the likelihood of light sensitivity after the procedure. 

A series of detailed images are taken of both eyes in order to analyze specific needs and requirements according to 22,000 individual elevation points in the corneas. The data is then extracted by a computerized surgical planning application that creates a custom treatment plan to maximize your eyesight. The whole process takes around 15 minutes to complete with most patients reporting little to no discomfort during their sessions.

Who is a candidate for topography-guided LASIK?

Contoura Vision represents a breakthrough in LASIK technology for patients with astigmatism, as astigmatism patterns can be highly unique. With topography-guided LASIK, your provider can better assess idiosyncrasies, creating a solution that is ultra-precise. Our team will conduct a thorough consultation process to ensure Contoura Vision is the ideal choice for your condition. 

Topography-guided LASIK recovery

While recovery time may vary from patient to patient, most report an immediate and dramatic improvement in eyesight following the procedure. After surgery, patients will rest for about one hour in our climate-controlled recovery suites, wearing protective eyewear. A friend, helper, or family member will need to drive you home after your appointment and assist in picking up any prescriptions you may need. 

In the days to come, avoid rubbing or touching your eyes. Mild to moderate discomfort may occur as the eyes heal, and some may experience watery or red eyes for a few days. Other patients find they can resume work and other normal activities the very next day. Our team will follow up with you to make sure your recovery is on track and that you are happy with your results.

New York Laser Vision

Results with Contoura Vision

Many topography-guided LASIK patients report vision improvements that surpass their previous eyesight. The procedure can not only enhance vision but may also eliminate many common concerns, such as light sensitivity, poor driving ability at night, and seeing a glare. Clinical trials have shown that Contoura Vision may allow patients to see 20/20 or better within 12 months of their treatment. 

Get started today with your private consultation

If you are ready to learn more about whether topography-guided LASIK is right for you, contact our experienced team at New York Laser Vision today! We are excited to meet with you and find out how we can improve your overall quality of life through customized treatment with Contoura Vision.

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